Most of you would have heard of BloggerAid - Bloggers Uniting to Aid in the Alleviation of Hunger. If you haven't heard of them, then read this post.
BloggerAid has recently launched a huge project and in the words of the founders
Ivy of Kopiaste, Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen and Val of More Than Burnt Toast unveiled our ambitious project for our Social Network Bloggeraid to launch our cookbook. Food is our medium and taking a role in alleviating world famine is our mission. Our wish is that you will share our excitement and help make a difference to our world by joining us on this journey.
Yes! BloggerAid is publishing a Cookbook!! Now I've always wanted to publish my own cookbook but the last time I spoke to someone about it, I was told I needed to be famous. And famous I certainly am not. But I digress. For more information on the cookbook and how you can help, please visit this BloggerAid post.
This is my little contribution to the cookbook and it involves Chocolate, Honey, Yoghurt and lots of other stuff. If you are thinking dessert, you're way off target!
My contribution for this cookbook is my own original take on ...
Kofta Curry
If you're hoping to find the recipe here, then I'm sorry I have to disappoint. You either have to wait till the cookbook is out or pay me lots and lots of money. Enough money that we could just forego the cookbook and donate the whole lot to BloggerAid! I think waiting for the cookbook is a better idea. Provided of course that my contribution is good enough...
The Lovely Wife and the kids gave this dish their thumbs up so I can only hope that it will be enjoyed by everyone else as much as my family did. I'm just pleased that I was able to contribute in my own small way to BloggerAid!
Your contribution just sold me a book. I can't wait to try your rendition of one of my favorite "restaurant meals"!
This is a perfect submission for the cookbook Dharm. We are so glad that you share our passion. We appreciate all that you do to help raise awareness in our own small way for those who cannot help themselves. Hugs!!
This looks like a delicious dish. Can't wait to read more about it.
What a fantastic idea that you guys have come up with! Your dish looks mouthwatering. I'd love to know when the cookbook comes out :)
Such intriguing ingredients and not a dessert. Dharm - your picture taking gets better and better with each post. Simply terrific.
Do not doubt that your recipe will be in that cookbook. How can recipes like this one not be included? That's a lot Dharm for your contribution and help.
Looking forward to your recipe in the bloggeraid cookbook :) added you to my blog roll btw? love your blog!
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