One of the greatest joys of The Lovely Wife is to while away the afternoon at a bookstore. Even more of a joy is when said bookstore is having a clearance sale and she can search for good bargains! One afternoon, not too long ago, she bought a couple of books at a sale and nested in between all of them was this dessert cookbook. The book is Eat Dessert First! from the Red Hat Society Dessert Cookbook series. I had to laugh a little at the book simply because I knew that The Lovely Wife had No Idea what the the Red Hat Society is and I couldn't quite imagine her in a purple dress and a red hat! The only reason I know who the Red Hatters are is only because I watch (and enjoy!) The Simpsons...but I digress as I oft do.

Since I am usually the one making desserts for the family, The Lovely Wife decided she was going to try one of the recipes from this new found book. My son is partial to fruit based desserts and so she picked Apple Nut Squares to make. This is the recipe:
3 Large Eggs
1.75 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
4 to 6 red apples, peeled and chopped
1 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 180C. Lightly grease a 13x9 inch baking pan. In a large bowl, blend eggs, sugar and oil. Set aside. In a medium bolw, combine the flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Combine the flour mixtre with the egg mixture and stir until thouroughly mixed. Fold in the apple and the nuts and mix well. Spoon into prepared pan. Bake for 50 minutes or until a wooden skewere comes out clean. Cool and cut into squares. Sprinkle with icing sugar if desired.
We served this with Ice Cream and it was just super!

The Lovely Wife now knows who the Red Hat Society is, we both have a new cookbook to share and I personally think it is great to have a bunch of older ladies wearing purple dresses and red hats having a lot of fun throughout the world. I keep kidding the wife that she should start thinking about purple dresses and red hats but she keeps reminding me that I will turn 50 before she does. So maybe I should start thinking about red shirts and purple pants... or maybe not!
;) Love it Dharm! the squares and the red & purple! I do that alot!!
Hi Dharm! Your lovely wife's apple nut squares look awesome. I hope you all enjoyed them.
It has been so nice to catch up with you. I wanted to join the Daring Bakers this month but time was so tight with work pressures that I barely kept up.
Nice to see you've been having so much fun in the kitchen! Your heart shaped flourless chocolate cake looks divine. That is my family's favorite dessert, and the DB's recipe looks simpler than mine.
Love your Lego cakes - and a belated Happy Birthday to your little Princess!
You are so clever and creative with your children's birthday cakes. I hope you never get too tired to continue. Those beautiful smiles are so worth it.
I think we can let your lovely wife make dessert for our next feast. It looks like a crumble and I love crumble.
I have heard of the Red Hatters and I e3ven know we have a chapter here. They always seem like they are having fun so it is interesting that they would also love to cook, which we all know is the ultimate, and develop a cookbook!!
Nice! Those look great! :)
The cake sounds amazing. BTW, I would die to see you in red pants and purple shirt or v.v. You have such a great sense of humour.
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