One thing about food blogging is that sometimes, you make something, take all the pictures but just keep delaying posting about it. This is one of those times and although this was made more than 6 months ago, I just failed to post it!
Good thing I had uploaded the photos though as my PC has been on the blink for the past week. I have a backup 'ol dinosaur' pc which I am using to update this post but would you know, the 'ol dino' is giving some problems as well... So that kind of explains my silence. I'm really struggling without my home PC but I guess I'm getting by with a little help form 'Ol Dino'!

This recipe comes from an old cookbook I own called Indulgence Food. The recipe is actually for a Steamed Pear Pudding with Caramel Sauce but I baked it instead. This is how the recipe goes with my modification of baking:
3 pears
125ml water
1.5 tbsp sugar
45g butter
3 tbsps caster sugar
2 eggs
90g self raising flour
4 tbsp milk
Caramel Sauce
185g sugar
3 tbsp water
45 g butter
155 ml whipping cream
Peel, core and finely chop the pears. Place pears, water and sugar in a pan and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes or till pears are just tender. Set aside.
Cream butter and caster sugar till pale and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well. Sift flour over mixtrue and fold in with milk.
Strain pears and fold into puidding mixture. Pour into a 9" srpingform pan. Bake in a preheated 180C oven for about an hour or till done.
Make the caramel sauce by placing sugar and water in a saucepan. Cook until sugar dissolves and then caramelsies into a deep amber culler. Remove from heat. Add in butter a little at a time. Return to heat, add in cream and contiunue cooking till smooth.

One of my son's favourite desserts is Caramelised Pears (not sure if I've posted about these...) so he absolutely loved this cake! I served it with Ice Cream and it was quite a lovely dessert!

this is a d'lish looking dessert. dharm i can't get over the way it's packed with all that fruit! yum!
Guilty as charged Dharm. I have a "few" back posts to handle. You have also reminded me that I need to back up my photos once again. Thank you also for finally sharing this dessert with us as well:D
Now I need to dig out a recipe yours look great.
Nasty that you waited this long to share this little gem with us. Pears with a caramel sauce - probably wouldn't make it for dessert - I'm sure it would be the appetizer for me - the whole thing.
Dharm this looks incredible! Gorgeous with all that moist fruity cake! We're no longer afraid of caramel . . .
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