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Sunday, 23 May 2010

Indian Scrambled Eggs

I'm a great fan of scrabled eggs. Not only are they easy to make but they make a nice meal eaten on their own or with some bread. The kids like their scrambled eggs too.

When The Lovely Wife mentioned that she wanted to try out a recipe from her "Indian Shortcuts to Sucess" recipe book by Das Sreedharan, I smiled supportively. Although I don't think she needs any help with Indian food, she has surprised us all with some recipes from Indian cookbooks. I asked her what she was going to make and thats when my supportive smile vanished. I rolled my eyes upward to heaven as if to ask the Good Lord for strength as she answered "Indian Scrambled Eggs"

What the heck are Indian Scrambled Eggs? Surely, just adding in a little spice to eggs and then frying them scrambled does not consitute Indian Scrambled Eggs! Surely Mr Sreedharan, the author of that cookbook, had simply run out of ideas and needed to add in something to fill his pages. Maybe he had needed and extra page or two to fill and he thought Ha! Put some spices in eggs and everyone will think its a special recipe and buy my book.

Heck, when I was first starting to cook, I used to make Scrambled Eggs with onions, tomatoes and curry powder. Maybe if I had the foresight to brand it as Indian Scrambled Eggs, I might be famous now!

Anyway, this is the recipe as Das Sreedharan does it.

3 large eggs
2 Tbsp vegetable Oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
10 curry leaves
1 small shallot, peeled and sliced
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp chilli powder
1 tomato - chopped
coriander for garnishing.
Break the eggs into a bowl and add a little salt. Whisk with a fork or baloon whisk till well mixed.
Heat the oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds. When they start to pop add the curry leves and fry till fragrant. Add the shallots and cook over low ehat till soft.
Stir in the turmeric and chilli powder then add the tomato and cook for about 5 minutes. Pour in the beaten eggs and stir constantly as it cooks until they are nicely scrambled.

All very simple and not at all complicated! Taste wise, it was interesting to say the least but nothing really spectacular. Tasty yes, but not the sort of thing that you would really expect to find in a cook book.

The Lovely Wife thought it was interesting and remarked that it wasn't something that she would have made if not for reading it in her cookbook.

I decided that instead of rolling my eyes, I would just reach out and take another helping of those Indian Scrambled Eggs...


  1. Well done TLW. I am sure the whole family loved them.

  2. Sure sounds tasty, for all that it's a relatively simple dish. I'd eat them - with second helpings - for sure!

  3. hahah, dharm, i love scrambled eggs too, or any kind of eggs. looks good what. should go well with lots of rice huh.


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