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Thursday, 14 August 2008

Daily Tiffin - Are you raising a picky eater

Cooking or Finding the right type of food that your kids will eat without fuss can sometime be a hassle. Some children are just extremely fussy eaters and wont eat this or will grumble about that. What really makes a picky eater? Are children born to be picky eaters or is it something that they acquire.
My Article over at the Daily Tiffin explores this issue - Are you raising a picky eater.
I hope you enjoy the post!


  1. So true Dharm. My daughter was exposed to my..let's say creativity...from an early age. Probably the only 2 year old requesting spanakopita. My neice however was indulged and now even as a young adult eats little else but rice..it is finally taking its toll on her with anemia and other health issues.

  2. Hi Dharm,

    I have been reading your blog for some time now. It's wonderful and your kids are lovely too.
    This article you wrote is really interesting. And I want my son not to be a picky eater too. He is turning 3 soon and he doesnt eat anything spicy, nor willing to try our curries (low-medium spicy)when mixed with rice. Do you think it is too late to start now and do you have any more tips. He just refuses to eat if I force him so i end up cooking separately without chilli added (like dal, buttermilk etc.)

  3. Reena,
    Thanks for the comment. It's a bit hard to answer your question in a comment so if you'd leave your email, then I will respond directly to you....

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Really enjoyed this post - confirms my (child-free) theories on child raising!


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