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Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Baby French Beans with Belacan

I posted an earlier post about Kangkung Belacan where I mentioned that many types of vegetables can be cooked using the same recipe. Vegetables stir fried with Sambal Belacan is a typical Malaysian dish and the only variation is how spicy you make it. Some people like a lot of Sambal flavour while others prefer just a slight falvouring of it.

I love any vegetable that is stir fried with Sambal Belacan. The Lovely Wife, knowing my penchant for Sambal Belacan made this dish. She 'overloaded' on the sambal belacan so the dish was extra spicy - but there is never anything wrong with that!

I'm not going to repeat the whole recipe as it can be found in the Kangkung Belacan post but suffice to say, as I mentione earlier, its all a matter of taste. Sautee some onion, add in the Sambal Belacan and cook well. Add in a little dried shrimp that has been pounded in a mortar

and then stir in the vegetables and stir fry quickly. Dont overcook it as you want the vegetables to still be crunchy!

This is delicious eaten with rice as the sambal coats the rice and the rice takes on the flavour of the sambal belacan.


  1. These look really good. I'd definitely put them on a weekly menu of mine. The dried shrimp are a little salty for me, but I'd use a very small amount and perhaps some fish stock to add more flavor.

  2. So, when I used to get Hainan Chicken Rice from a Malay takeaway, was the incredibly delicious, salty, pungent, moreish sambal they served with it belacan? Because if it was I WANT SOME! And those beans look exactly what I'd like for dinner tonight.

  3. "Hainan Chicken Rice would normally be with chilli ground with ginger and salt. Sambal Belacan is prawn paste with Chilli!!"

    - I know! The sambal this place served was totally different to anything I have ever had with chicken rice before! Prawn paste with chilli sounds about right.

  4. This is the second delicious recipe I've seen today with green beans. Must try this.

  5. This looks totally awesome Dharm! I am so making these! YUM YUM YUM! Thanks for giving me more ideas for the Belacan!

    Sorry I didn't make it over yesterday - we are having computer issues and down to one. Trying to get the new FBR website ready, so I haven't been able to make my rounds! ;)

  6. Extra spicy - I like, I like, I like a lot!


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