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Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Just a small Complaint plus two Awards

One of my biggest grievances with respect to the Blogosphere is the lack of time I have to visit all the food blogs that I would like to. Sure, I have a few favourites but even those don't get the time that they deserve. I've met many new foodies and forged many new friendships on the blogosphere and I just want to tell everyone that although I don't visit your blogs as often as I would like to, I DO wish that I could!

Some of you are pretty darned amazing, blogging about food almost everyday - complete with fantastic photos. What's even more amazing are the number of comments that some of your posts receive. 30, 40 sometimes even more - and this happens regularly on some of your blogs! The only time I get into the 30's is when its Daring Bakers time.

So yeah, there's a whole bunch of blogs out there from all over the world. Some of you I know and some of you I dont. It is indeed quite humbling when you see the amount of sheer talent in some of your blogs. More than the talent though is the willingness to share not only your recipes but a little bit of yourselves - your thoughts, your personalities, your stories - with the rest of us.

That is why, I am greatly honoured to be given the following awards by my fellow
bloggers who have also become good friends.

The first award is from Meeta of Whats for Lunch Honey. Her blog is excellent in my mind so if you've never visited her, I think it't time that you did.

The second award is from my friend over in Canada, Valli who blogs at More Than Burnt Toast. Don't be fooled by the title though. You'll find a whole lot of gourmet food here. Certainly more than toast - and its never, ever burnt!

I'm supposed to pass these awards on now but I think ALL of you food bloggers deserve it because quite simple, in one way or another, you are all Excellent and you all have a Great Purpose in your blogging. So feel free to pick up the award! For those of you with multiple awards or for those who may have received these awards before, there's never any harm in getting an award twice. I mean really, would you turn down an Oscar just because you won it the year before??!!!


  1. I agree Dharm there are just not enough hours in the day to spend on blogging as we'd like. If only this could be our day job and we had time. Congratulations once again on your awards, it is so nice to be recognized and so well deserved:D

  2. Ok, I really did think I was the only one who didn't get to visit all of the blogs I'd like. I have a reader, but that's not enough. I really enjoy your blog, Dharm, and it's an honor to come and see it when I can.

  3. Congrats on the awards, oh mighty Dharm! :)

    These are challenges we all face. But I guess when you start thinking about other challenges we COULD have, this aint so bad!


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