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Saturday, 13 January 2007

Chocolate Truffle Cake

It's my mom's birthday today and I wanted to make her something she hadn't had before. She likes anything to do with chocolate so I decided to try this Chocolate Truffle Cake - a recipe I got off the web.

The cake turned out well and tasted good too. It uses lots of melted chocolate and is a rather dense cake and doesnt rise too much as their is no baking powder used. The topping is basically a chocolate ganache with a little butter to help it set.

I decorated the cake with strawberries and champagne grapes and I must say that the cake was quite a delight! Mum enjoyed it and I suppose that's what really matters...!

Some preferred the cake by itself, while others enjoyed it with a dollop of ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I stumbled upon your blog thanks to the Next Blog button. All this stuff looks delicious. I think I'll print those pictures and eat them ;) I have no cooking talent whatsoever and I admire people who do. Takes a lot of patience too.

    Take care,


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